Apartment Building Hamburg Wellingsbuettel

Apartment Building Hamburg Wellingsbuettel

Wellingsbuettel is a new construction of an apartment building on the banks of the Alster on the family’s former villa site. The client preferred a style with a French chateau look, albeit reduced.
Classical modern and postmodern elements were characteristic of the architecture.
The property, a steep slope, is staggered from the Wellingsbüttler Weg about 10 meters to the Alster, where the property is directly connected to the Alster hiking trail with the upper reaches of the Alster. The foundation and support of the slope with sheet piling was a separate task.

The building has 6 residential units and 3 units for various uses. In the area of the facade facing Wellingsbuettler Weg, the building is classically structured with projections and recesses as well as three horizontal sections. The building has 4 floors facing the Alster, with loggias and spacious terraces.

Project data
Wellingsbuetteler Weg/ Alstergrund


Family Schnitzer